In June 2020, John Pojednic and Chris Clark sent an invitation to the coaches of men’s collegiate rowing to join them in establishing the Intercollegiate Rowing Coaches Association - the first national coaches association in our sport’s history.
In our fourth year as an association, we…

...recognized 657 athletes for their outstanding academic achievement of earning a 3.5 cumulative GPA or higher

...awarded All-American honors to 99 athletes

...partnered with Stem to Stern to support access to rowing and STEM education in collaboration with and led by varsity student-athletes of IRCA member schools

...partnered with the IRA to expand our weekly in-season polls to include 2nd and 3rd Varsity 8+s from all divisions, as well as team points standings

...facilitated opportunities for 170+ coaches to regularly gather and discuss, debate, and act on issues impacting men's rowing now and in the future

...resigned a 3-year sponsorship agreement with Empacher Bootswerft in support of our All-American, Scholar Athlete, Coach and Staff of the Year, and other Specialty Award honors
The FY25 sign up period will run from September 30th - October 25th.
The FY25 sign up period will run from September 30th - October 25th.
FY25 Membership Options
Division 1
Combined Institutional Membership - $725
Covers all countable varsity coaches and allowable volunteer assistants from heavyweight and lightweight teams at the same institution
Division 2/Division 3
Combined Institutional Membership - $650
Covers all countable varsity coaches and allowable volunteer assistants from heavyweight and lightweight teams at the same institution
Head Coach Individual Membership - $200
Covers a single head coach representing either a heavyweight or lightweight team from any division
HWT Institutional Membership - $450
Covers one head coach, alll allowable assistant coaches, and all allowable volunteer assistants
HWT Institutional Membership - $325
Covers one head coach, one assistant coach, and all allowable volunteer assistants
Asst. Coach Individual Membership - $125
Covers a single assistant coach representing either a heavyweight or lightweight team from any division
LTWT Institutional Membership - $325
Covers one head coach, one assistant coach, and all allowable volunteer assistants
LTWT Institutional Membership - $325
Covers one head coach, one assistant coach, and all allowable volunteer assistants
Affiliate Membership - $100
Covers former collegiate men's rowing coaches and current sport program administrators who have an interest in men’s rowing and the activities of the association
Welcome! Reach out to Kayleigh to see if your program has a membership - if they do, we can add you to it. If not, you can sign up with an individual membership.
Memberships last for one year and must be renewed on an annual basis. The sign-up period runs for one month and concludes on the Friday of Head of the Charles weekend. They cover the annual costs of running the association and contribute towards covering the costs of our end of year awards.
In order to be eligible for any awards during the academic year, your head coach MUST be a member of the IRCA and have established their membership, either individually or through an institutional membership, by the membership deadline noted above. Late sign-ups with no prior communication will not be accepted.
Currently only those who are coaching at the collegiate varsity level are eligible to become members of the IRCA.
Currently the IRCA has nine standing committees. If you have an active membership and are interested in joining one or more of them, you can reach out to Kayleigh or any of the coaches listed below for more information.
Promotion and Preservation - Scott Frandsen
Inclusion - David Herrick
Awards and Polling - Kayleigh Durm
Championship and Competition - Mike Irwin
Legislative Review - AC Chacon
Membership - Tom Siddall
US National Team - Matt Smith
Lightweight - Colin Farrell
Division 3 - Marc Mandel
Individual or institutional memberships are for active varsity level men's coaches. These members are able to do the following:
Attend all general IRCA meetings and respective committee meetings
Make motions and vote on issues for which the entire IRCA votes
Be eligible for elected or appointed positions within the IRCA
Be eligible individually and have their teams be eligible for awards and honors given by the IRCA
Affiliate memberships are desginated for those who are no longer actively coaching at the collegiate varsity level, are currently coaching at the national or international level, are an administrator of the sport, or are a friend of men's collegiate rowing. These members are able to do the following:
Attend all general IRCA meetings
Address issues of the membership, but not vote
Nominate coaches for awards given by the IRCA but not nominate or vote on student-athlete awards